a little insight
Nina Awen originally from Germany, has always been passionated about
movement and health.
Even though, she has a medical background, it wasn't until she found Yoga and Meditation that she discovered the power of a true mind & body connection.
Yoga and Meditation quickly became an integral part of Nina’s life, helping her to get out of her head and reconnect with her Heart and Intuition. For Nina, Yoga is a lifestyle that transformed and shaped her life.
Driven to share the inspiration, healing, freedom, creativity and peace that her spiritual practices has given her, Nina undertook her first YTT in Bali in 2018 and studied Yoga in India in 2019. She did a training in Yin Yoga in Germany in 2019. In the Year 2021 she undertook a deeper spiritual journey, in the north of India for 4 months. She studied with an open heart and mind Reiki in 2022 on the Island
of Bali, India and Nepal, she learned from different teachers and turned into a passionated REIKI practitioner.
Nina Awens teachings can be described as raw, powerful and sharply intuitive as their source is channeled from the wisdom of mother earth.
She has developed herself into a mindfulness mentor and is currently volunteering with empowered minds.
The root of Nina's work is based on a deep self-transformation, healing process and unlearning of social patterns over years. She transformed her darkness into her greatest power and reconnected herself to her true life purpose.
Nina currently resides in Ubud/Bali, the place where she is able to dive deep into the sacred rhythms of mother earth.

I've created this space to share my journey of spiritual study and seeking, self-inquiry and healing with you. I'm devoted to understanding and constant learning and questioning our world. My mission is to share the divine practises of Yoga, Meditation, Reiki and different cultural faiths and scriptures i studied on my journey with YOU.
My deepest desire is helping you to remember where you came from and why you are here on this beautiful planet we call our home.

I believe each person is a sacred expression of nature and has the
capacity to nurture seeds of change within themselves.