Ancient Breathwork 7 Chakras
Extension of life force energy
We all have “so much stuff we carry” and what most of us don’t realize is that we’ve been storing it (pushing it down) in our bodies, and it comes out at inopportune times and ugly ways. Sometimes it will manifest itself as some kind of health problem. We now know that stress causes heart disease, autoimmune disease, depression, anxiety, obesity, diabetes, gastrointestinal problems, and so on…
What if I told you that there is a breathing technique that will clear out all of this stored negative emotional baggage from your body? Not only that, but you will feel the release happen in the very first session.
The results afterwards will be undeniable.

Your breath brings oxygen into your body so that you can thrive. When you are physically or emotionally stressed, it affects how you breathe. Breathwork helps to calm your stress and bring balance to your body. We will breathe deeply in all 7 chakras to release blockages on a holistic level.
Ancient Yogis have been practicing breathwork for thousands of years, and it has roots in yoga practice. The basic idea of breathwork is to release toxins and stress when you breathe out and nourish your mind and body when you breathe in.

Benefits of breathwork. Research on breathwork is promising. Potential health benefits of breathwork include:
Alkalizing your blood PH
Anti-inflammatory effect
Elevating your mood
Breathwork may also have a positive impact on your central nervous system. When you feel stressed, your breath tends to become fast and shallow. This limits the oxygen entering your bloodstream. Your brain tells your body that there is a threat, and your body responds in fight or flight.
When you take time to slow down and purposefully breathe deeply and slowly, you tell your brain that everything is OK. Your brain communicates to your body that it’s safe to relax. The fight or flight response decreases, and your body can begin to function normally again.
Looking forward to see you in the class, you can book via Email to receive your Zoom link.